What are the Health Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll?
Increase your blood levels
Chlorophyll assists to increase the red blood cells. The higher the blood count, the higher the oxygen levels in the body meaning, more nutrients to feed the body's cells. All the body's systems will function optimally.
Rebuilds damaged tissues
It is a natural antiseptic which heals the whole body. Excretion of toxins is easily facilitated.
The body is detoxified and all toxins are excreted.
Balances the acidic-alkaline levels
Too much acid in the body is the source of almost all lifestyle diseases. The acidic levels are brought down and the body is able to absorb nutrients and function optimally. This explains the reason why the product relieves ulcers, wounds, arthritis and heart burns instantly.
Reduces signs of aging
The chlorophyll fights the free radicals as it is an antioxidant. It increases the levels of certain enzymes in the body acting as a natural antioxidant. You get youthful looks after using splina for sometime.
The chlorophyll fights the free radicals as it is an antioxidant. It increases the levels of certain enzymes in the body acting as a natural antioxidant. You get youthful looks after using splina for sometime.
Increases the body's immunity and helps in oxygen assimilation and inhibits growth of harmful bacteria